- Jun 13, 2014
Martin Vítek authored
- It can handle negative numbers up to -99 - It can hadle 0 - It can handle positive numbers up to 999 - It automaticly add °C at the end ? Rename to set_temperature(int16_t temperature) ? Consider and handle numbers smaller than -99 and taller than 999
Martin Vítek authored
Reworked for new library display.h for driving 7-segment display. Removed all implementations of old FourTimesEihtSeg.h
- May 19, 2014
Martin Vítek authored
Next time files instances must be removed!!
- May 15, 2014
Martin Vítek authored
Power level is calculated only when needed
- May 14, 2014
Martin Vítek authored
Temperature measuring isn't working!!
Martin Vítek authored
- methods: - ini() - variables needs inicializing outside constructor - handler() - determine button press with lenght and call the appropriate function Add function oven_ini() in main.cpp
- May 13, 2014
Martin Vítek authored
- method irq_handler() - provides led controling in interrupt -> pec.led.error()
Martin Vítek authored
- Add methods: - uint16_t get_adc_value() - void set_adc_value(uint16_t) - Add namespace reflow_oven - Add enum baking_state
Martin Vítek authored
Instance led moved to reflow_oven_control class Add method for getting value of power_leve - uint8_t get_power_level()
- May 12, 2014
Martin Vítek authored
Reworker method get_triak_state() - now it reads real state Updated usart.h to newes version from VLKVT project (transmit_binaryxx())
- May 11, 2014
Martin Vítek authored
- New variable real_temperature_round - contains temperature in entire degrees - Variable real_temperature contains tempereture with 2 digits precision (2119 -> 21.19°C) - Method get_real_remperature() returns real_temperature_round
Martin Vítek authored
Temporaly disabled display_render() - it's messing up ADC conversion!
Martin Vítek authored
Martin Vítek authored
But it didn't work with display, need FIX!
- May 09, 2014
Martin Vítek authored
Martin Vítek authored
Martin Vítek authored